Bilateral Meetings
- Thursday 24 September 2015 (02:00 pm - 06:00 pm)
Alga&Zyme Factory S.r.l. (A&Z) is an R&D company founded in 2014 by scientists from the
Universities of Ferrara and Pavia along with Sr. executives of multinational corporations. Ferrara University is the
Institutional Shareholder. The core competences of Alga&Zyme include the science of plants and biological
processes with a focus on microalgae and cellulosolytic enzymes as well as R&D investing in biotech and energy.
The company mission is to expand the boundaries of the green economy / bio-economy and enhancing the
sustainability of production processes in the agro-industrial and renewable energy sectors. A&Z is the R&D partner
to promote innovation and development of bio-based products as well as new protocols for the treatment and
beneficial use of various waste streams from agro-industrial and agro-energy processes such as Anaerobic Digestion.
Country: Italy
Organization Type: Company
Phone: 0532 293786
City: Ferrara ,Corso Ercole I d'Este, 32 Google map