riccardo motterle , Head Biotechnology Developmen at FIS Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici
http://www.fisvi.com/index.php?lang=itF.I.S. – Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici is a private Italian company that specializes in API production.
Custom Synthesis is our core business, which means the exclusive production of intermediates, advanced intermediates and APIs for pharmaceutical companies under confidentiality agreements. FIS has the capability to provide a wide array of integrated services to the customer, including process research and development, optimization, and scale-up facilities to support both validation and commercial launch.
FIS also develops and sells a wide range of Generic APIs including anxiolytics, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, analgesics, anti- inflammatory agents, antibacterials, antifungals, cardiovascular drugs, and diuretics. (see our product lists in the Products & Services page)
FIS has the expertise and resources to internally manage all Quality & Compliance and Regulatory Affairs activities required for our custom and generic products.
Biotecnologies (development/selection of enzymes) and biocatalysis at industrial full scale is one of our experteases
Country: Italy
Organization Type: Company
Phone: 0444708011
Email: riccardo.motterle@fisvi.com
City: montecchio maggiore (VI) ,viale milano 26 Google map