Giuliana D'Imporzano , Researcher at Università degli Studi di Milano
http://users.unimi.it/ricicla/Bilateral Meetings
- Thursday 24 September 2015 (02:00 pm - 06:00 pm)
- Friday 25 September 2015 (09:30 am - 12:30 pm)
- Friday 25 September 2015 (01:30 pm - 06:00 pm)
The DISAA – Ricicla Group of UNIMI develops its activities in view of a development, through scientific research, of the knowledge regarding agricultural, forestry, farming, environmental and energetic systems, based on a multi-disciplinal approach, for the promotion of efficient management of complex agricultural systems. The ‘’Agriculture and Environment’’ and ‘’Biomass and Agroenergy’’laboratories, are equipped with analytical instruments like Solid State NMR, DRIFT, GCMS, GC, GCMS-MS, HPLC, nanoscale porosimeter, elemental analyzer and ICP/MS. The ‘’Biomass and Agro-energy’’ laboratory is equipped with lab-scale reactors for bioprocess monitoring devices for ammonia, methane and N2O monitoring. The research team is formed by 1 full professor, 3 researchers and 2 post-docs. They have developed in the last 25 years, knowledge in the field of biomass use and re-use, with particular attention to energy production and organic carbon cycle and impacts on water soil and air of digestate, slurry and compost. Recently, the first full-scale plant for bio-hydrogen and bio-methane integrated production has been developed, unique in Italy and EU. Besides, another full-scale application has been developed, based on chemical-physical separations, for renewable nutrients production from waste biomass.
Country: Italy
Organization Type: University, Research Centre, Consultant
Email: giuliana.dimporzano@unimi.it
City: Milano ,via Celoria 2 Google map