
Pamela Abbruscato , Principal Investigator at PTP Science Park


PTP (www.ptp.it) is a multidisciplinary organization that runs a science park, a bioincubator and accelerator (Alimenta) and its own biotech SME. Services and applied research are provided through state of the art platforms. The PTP Genomics Platform is an ISO9001 and SINAL17025 accredited laboratory equipped for high-throughput genotyping and Next Generation Sequencing. PTP is accredited as official Illumina Certified Service Provider (http://www.illumina.com/services/cspro.ilmn). The Bioinformatics Core includes a virtualising cluster with 768GB RAM, 120 core to manage virtual servers whose aim is to develop web applications, software and database; 700 core, 3.5 TB RAM calculation cluster to analyse large amounts of data; and high-performance storage (up to 1 PB). Data analyses originating from next generation sequencing, genotyping, proteomics, metabolomics, flow cytometry; software and database planning/development to manage and analyse complex biological data; experimental planning and statistics analyses to support genetic data interpretation in the agri-food, human and microbiological fields are offered as service. Probiokem, the chemistry platform provides studies, trials and technical-scientific counseling, to study and improve product/process safety and quality in the agri-food and pharmaceutical R&D and production fields. The platform is not focused on routine analyses but on complex studies and trials to improve a specific product or process.

Country: Italy

Organization Type: Company, Cluster

Phone: +39.0371.4662623

Email: pamela.abbruscato@ptp.it

City: Lodi ,via A.Einstein, Loc. Codazza, 2015 Google map

Areas of Activities

Industrial biotechnology (including biocatalysts)
