BiobasedWorld 15-16 February 2017 in Cologne, Germany is the meeting point for the bioeconomy community. Get in touch with the who’s who in industrial biotechnology, algae, biomass, biorefineries, biopolymers, bioenergy, biobased chemicals, lubricants, surfactants, fuels and materials. No need to attend several specialized conferences when you can meet the key players all in one place, at BiobasedWorld. Experience the biobased value chain from the door of the biorefinery to your own doorstep. Discuss ideas, see the processes, look at the equipment and touch the products. Listen to presentations about the latest trends in the conference program. BiobasedWorld offers one-stop-shopping in the matter of bioeconomy.
BiobasedWorld is brought to you by DECHEMA (www.dechema.de), Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology.
Country: Germany
Organization Type: Company
Phone: 0049 69 7564 350
Email: etschmann@dechema.de
City: Frankfurt am Main ,Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25 Google map
Areas of Activities
Industrial biotechnology (including biocatalysts)
Energy & biofuels
Chemicals (bioproducts)
Marine biotechnology
Make your products and processes visible to the bioeconomy community
BiobasedWorld 2017 will be the first tradeshow of its kind. It is not restricted to a certain topic within the bioeconomy, but will be a comprehensive event for all biobased industries.
If you are active in
industrial biotechnology
biobased chemicals
biobased lubricants
biobased surfactants
biobased materials
you need to exhibit at BiobasedWorld