Antonio Servadio , Contract Research Services at Fondazione Filarete
http://www.fondazionefilarete.com/Fondazione Filarete is an innovation centre focusing on the delivery of contract R&D services, technology development and technology transfer, in a range of areas including health, biomaterials and advanced technologies. Moreover, Filarete offers services of incubation and business acceleration to startup and innovative enterprises.
The strengths of Filarete are the wide range of integrated technical and scientific competencies, a growing collaborative network, the business oriented management and the strategic location.
Filarete serves a spectrum of industrial sectors, including medical devices and medication, cosmetics and personal care, pharma and biotech, filtration and advanced materials, food and agro-industry. Filarete provides clients and partners with a wide range of R&D services, including implementation of interdisciplinary R&D projects, study design, feasibility studies, sample characterization and analyses, consultancy.
At Filarete, scientists work in a multi-disciplinary team organized in five main laboratories, Advanced Biomaterials, Cellular and Molecular Imaging, Animal Pathology, Proteomics, Microbiology. Shareholders of Fondazione Filarete are Università degli Studi di Milano, Fondazione Cariplo, Banca Intesa San Paolo, and Camera di Commercio di Milano.
Country: Italy
Organization Type: Research Centre, Other
Phone: 335 269093
Email: antonio.servadio@fondazionefilarete.com
City: Milano ,Viale Ortles 22/4 Google map